(01939) 768 070
Business Owner
Rhian Greaves
40 High Street, Wem,
Shropshire, SY4 5DG
Day or night
All deaths must be registered within five days, unless the Coroner is involved. In order to register the death, you need to make an appointment with the local registrar in the district where the death occurred (see 'Useful Contacts' below).
The Registrar will require the following:
* The deceased's full name, date and place of birth, former occupation and home address
* The date and place of death
* If married, the date of birth of the deceased's surviving spouse
* The medical certificate of cause of death
* NHS medical card (if available)
* Birth and marriage certificates (if available / relevant)
The registrar will issue you with a Green Certificate for burial or cremation, which is required before a funeral can take place.
The registrar will also be able to give you copies of the Entry of Death. These are required when dealing with bank accounts and insurance policies of the deceased.
If a death has been referred to the Coroner, then the registration process is slightly different. We are happy to advise you on the process if required.
When someone dies at home
Your first contact should be with the deceased's usual GP. If s/he is satisfied with the cause of death, you will receive a medical certificate stating the cause of death (a 'death certificate')
When someone dies in a nursing home
The staff at the nursing home will contact the deceased's GP to arrange for a medical certificate of cause of death to be issued. This will available for you to collect from the surgery.
When someone dies suddenly
When a sudden death occurs, it is normal practice for the Coroner to be involved.
Contact us and we will liaise with the necessary parties on your behalf.
When someone dies away from home or overseas
If a death occurs away from home or overseas, contact us and we will make all the necessary arrangements to bring your loved one home.
When someone dies in hospital
When a death occurs in hospital, nursing staff will arrange for a doctor to issue the medical certificate of cause of death. This will be sent directly to the registrar.
Useful Contacts
Click here to register a death on line
Local Registration Offices
(0345) 678 9016 / registrars@shropshire.gov.uk
The Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, SY2 6ND
Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9.15am to 4.30pm
(temporarily closed)
Market Drayton
C/O the Library,51 Cheshire Street, Market Drayton TF9 1PH
Opening hours Mon and Wed - 9am to 3:30pm
Wellington Civic & Leisure Centre, Tan Bank, Wellington TF1 1LX
01952 382444
Opening hours Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm
C/O The Library, Listley Street, Bridgnorth, WV16 4AW
Opening hours Mon, Wed, Fri - 10am to 4pm
Cruse Bereavement Care: (0844) 477 9400
Royal Shrewsbury Hospital
Bereavement Advice Centre: (01743) 261384 / (01743) 261691
Princess Royal Hospital
Bereavement Advice Centre: (01952) 641222 ext 4741
Shropshire Coroner: (01743) 237445
Shropshire Registrar: (0345) 678 9016
Telford and Wrekin Registrar: (01952) 382444